K-P – A Journey From”Most Dangerous” To “Best Holiday Destination”

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K-P – A Journey From”Most Dangerous” To “Best Holiday Destination”

For decades, the failure of the “War on Terror” has left a boycott of violence and extremism with a “K-p” picture. However, as the province resumes a peaceful and harmonious life, by 2020, Pakistan’s north-western region has transformed from the most dangerous part of the world into the best holiday destination.

Considering the province’s tourism potential, the K-P government has shown a special interest in preparing for the influx of tourists next year. Under the plan, not only will help locals turn their property into tourist-friendly places and receive training in the hospitality industry, but the government also hopes to work with foreign bloggers to promote international tourism in the mountains.

Although his friends and family expressed doubts about his decision, travel bloggers and influencers who visited the country believe that Pakistan has a rich culture and beautiful scenery, and its tourism potential is huge. According to senior government officials, this is one of the reasons the government is focusing on developing tourist destinations, building roads and repairing the province’s devastating infrastructure. Sources said the county government will also approve loans up to Rs 1 million to enable locals to improve housing and create suitable travel spaces for them.

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Minister of Tourism KP Atif Khan said: “The Ministry of Transport expects a large number of domestic and foreign tourists, so we have allocated Rs 5 crore to build roads to 14 newly discovered tourist destinations, in addition to Rs 9 crore is used for infrastructure management in former tribal areas. It has huge tourism potential.

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According to foreign tourists, the major global media have long been showing Pakistan’s one-dimensional picture, fundamentally shaping the views of their friends and family who see Pakistan as the centre of terrorism and extremism. But recently, with Pakistan becoming a tourism hub, the government has used all its resources to facilitate religious tourists from South Korea, Thailand, and other countries in the Far East to deliver a message of peace and harmonious religion.

As part of ongoing work, visa restrictions have been lifted and local residents, as well as international tourists, are visiting different areas of the province. 15 international bloggers who have visited Pakistan in the past twelve months as part of a shift in perspective (to promote tourism) who believe that Pakistan is overrepresented in the media and that the country can serve the world Provide many services.

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Eric Santos, one of the 15 bloggers who visited the country, said she had always wanted to see Pakistan in person and refused to follow the misinterpretations accompanying mainstream media and critics.

“Their first reaction was: You shouldn’t go to Pakistan. This (should) justify them (for the members of the cognitive change group),” Santos told. He shared: “I want to see it all on the ground, and I’m happy. To be honest, the people here are friendly and want to be with you and talk to you.”

Santos, who enjoys living in Peshawar, said she was comfortable looking at the busy city streets. “I feel at home and love to stroll down the vibrant streets and try all the delicious food that this city has to offer.”

Tom Grond, another video blogger from the Netherlands, said he travelled more than 2538 days around the world, including Iraq and Syria. This is not the first time that Grond has gone to Pakistan, but he hopes that bringing his follower journey to Pakistan will help change the global perspective of South Asia and the Middle East.

“Everything is done in the media.” But I try to show the true essence of these countries to thousands of people through my Instagram blog. Whenever I see people on these vibrant streets, it is full of happiness and passion, and I love their energy, “he added.

Grond said he found Pakistanis, especially the people of Peshawar, “very friendly.” “My message is obviously: travel to Peshawar and walk on these streets at night, this is the most encouraging experience, this is really amazing. I hope everyone experiences Peshawar at least once in their lifetime”.

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Digital creator and YouTube’s Halley Dasovich also visited Pakistan during the “Sense of Change” campaign. She said her family and friends initially questioned her decision to visit Pakistan. “They kept asking me why they made me go to Pakistan, and they thought it was a place destroyed by the war.” “Although their opinions affected me a little bit, I jumped with confidence and now I visit Pakistan, I can proudly say that this was a life-changing experience, and I would recommend that you visit all my friends and followers”.

Canadian blogger Ryan Riel is also part of a team of 15 bloggers who have the opportunity to experience northwestern Pakistan. Although Reel first came to Pakistan after changing his mind in 2018, this was his first visit to Peshawar and he thought it was a great experience.

“I have completely changed my view of (Peshawar Tour), and this will be the focus of my blog: life, traffic, food street, delicious food, delicious food, rich history, and cultural hustle and bustle,” Riel said the time he painted the city has been reflected in all aspects.

Saba Ghani
Saba Ghani

Since 2017, Saba Ghani has been serving as the talented and dedicated chief content writer for Pakistan Tour and Travel & EMHI Solutions. With her exceptional writing skills and in-depth knowledge of the travel industry, she has been instrumental in crafting engaging and informative content that captivates the audience. You can catch her at [email protected] or Twitter

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