
Top 15 Beautiful National Anthems In the World

Top 15 Beautiful National Anthems In the World

National anthems, those stirring songs that resonate at national sporting events and official ceremonies, hold a unique place in a country’s cultural tapestry. They function as powerful symbols of unity and identity, weaving together threads of history, pride, and shared aspirations.  


From the triumphant marches like France’s La Marseillaise, a product of revolutionary fervor, to the multilingual masterpiece that is South Africa’s Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika, national anthems come in a remarkable variety.  Lyrically, they often paint a picture of the nation’s essence, expressing love for its landscapes, rich history, and resilient people.  


Interestingly, the age of these anthems varies greatly.  Japan’s Kimigayo boasts lyrics dating back centuries, while others, like those of newly formed nations, are more contemporary creations.  Regardless of their origin, national anthems offer a powerful glimpse into a country’s soul, encapsulating its core values and the dreams it holds for the future. 


 By listening to these anthems, we gain a deeper understanding of the cultures and spirits that bind nations together.


How can we determine which national anthems are the best?

Musical Aspects

The music itself plays a huge role in making a national anthem memorable and powerful.  Consider the melody: is it catchy, stirring, and something that instills pride?  Does the harmony and overall composition add depth – is it complex or simple enough for crowds to sing along?  Some anthems even incorporate instruments or musical styles specific to their nation’s heritage, adding uniqueness. Finally, the most important part: does the music fully support the anthem’s lyrics, creating a sense of awe and inspiration?

Lyrical Content

The words of a national anthem carry profound meaning. Look for themes that highlight the country’s history, the values it holds dear, and its hopes for the future.  Does the language flow beautifully, using poetic phrasing that’s understood by everyone?  The best anthems deliver a message of hope and unity without any negativity or aggression towards others.

Historical Significance

History adds another layer to how we perceive an anthem.  Has it been in use for centuries, making it deeply ingrained in the nation’s identity?  The context of its creation is crucial – was it born out of triumph over adversity?  If so, this spirit can still resonate within its music and words.

Popularity and Stability

A truly great national anthem connects with its people.  How well-known and beloved is it?  The most effective anthems are easy for everyone, young and old, to learn and sing with enthusiasm.

Challenges of Ranking

Ranking something as emotional as national anthems poses challenges. Personal taste leads to subjectivity, and people from different cultures may have different musical preferences. It’s natural to feel a strong connection to your own nation’s anthem, regardless of how it compares to others objectively.

Alternative Approaches

Instead of outright ranking, it can be interesting to focus on specific strengths – maybe one anthem boasts the most beautiful lyrics, while another has the most rousing melody. Comparing anthems within specific regions can also add context. Ultimately, appreciating these musical pieces is about recognizing the individual cultures they represent and how they make their citizens feel. Exploring the world of national anthems offers a fascinating journey into music, history and national identity!

Ultimately, appreciating national anthems is about understanding the cultural context and the emotions they evoke. Enjoy exploring the rich tapestry of music and stories these anthems represent!

List of Top 15 Beautiful National Anthems In the World


We select the best anthems that stand out, some of which will be heard at the FIFA World Cup, Olympics and Six Nations. We’ve heard some of the best national anthems from around the world. Here is a list of national anthems around the world. We’re particularly curious about what you’ll hear about at the World Cup, Olympics, Six Nations and many other sporting events.


Pakistan “Qaumi Taranah”


Pakistan’s national anthem, “Qaumi Taranah,” bears witness to the country’s spirit and aspirations. The lyrics, penned by renowned poet Hafeez Jalandhari, weave an ideal tapestry outlining a vision of a strong and united Pakistan. The song delves into the fundamental principles on which the country was founded and gives us a glimpse into the hopes and dreams of its people. 

Musically, the national anthem by Ahmed J. Chagla, 1949, transcends borders. It blends the rich musical heritage of the East with Western influences, resulting in a unique and captivating composition. The melody is powerful and upbeat, perfectly complementing the profound message of the lyrics.


However, the beauty of “Qaumi Taranah” lies not only in its components. The national anthem holds a special place in the hearts of Pakistani citizens. It evokes a deep patriotism and is a powerful reminder of the country’s shared historical and cultural identity. 


Even the birth of a pure, raw child can stir emotions and ignite national pride. There are undoubtedly many inspiring national anthems around the world. Still, for Pakistanis, “Qaumi Tarana” holds a unique place as a powerful symbol that resonates deeply in the nation’s soul.

Netherlands: Wilhelmus van Nassouwe


For its rich history alone, the Dutch Wilhelmhuis national anthem deserves a spot on our list—it’s been in use since around 1570, making it the oldest national anthem in the world. The words are written in the first person as if spoken by William of Orange, who led the Dutch struggle for independence from Spain in the 16th century.

France: La Marseille

“La Marseillaise” is perhaps the most famous national anthem in the world after the American national anthem “The Star-Spangled Banner.” It is definitely one of the most exciting. It was composed by Claude-Joseph Roger de Lisle in 1792 to inspire the French army against Austria. 

It was originally called “Chant de guerre pour l’Armée du Rhin” (War Hymn of the Army of the Rhine), with 4 /4 beat runs. It has an unmistakable feeling. With purpose and confidence: “Aux armes, citoyens; Formez vos bataillons, Marchons, marchons!’


Germany: Das Lied der Deutschen

For many English-speaking listeners, this beautiful national anthem has become ominously familiar as the musical prelude to Germany’s yet another exit from a major football tournament, at least until recently.

 It is also the only national anthem composed by a well-known writer. Joseph Haydn composed the song in 1797 as the anthem of Holy Roman Emperor Francis II. Germany, not a single nation in Haydn’s time, adopted it as its national anthem in 1922. It is lyrically freer than most anthems, and Haydn used its melody in his compositions. 76 String Quartet No. 3.

Italy: Il Canto degli Italiani

Some countries have national anthems. Italy has a miniature Verdi opera. After a large orchestral introduction, we get a rhythmic chorus that could easily have appeared in the great composer’s aria, “Il Trovatore”.

As if that weren’t enough, we move into a powerful march, ending with the rousing “l’Italia chiamò” (“Italy calls!”). Although Verdi was a prominent figure in the Italian unification movement, this 1847 masterpiece was not composed by Verdi; it was actually composed by the Genoese composer Michel Novarro.


Kenya: EE Mungo Nguvo Yetu


In a world dominated by anthems in major keys, the strict Kenyan intonation in minor keys is a welcome rarity. Unlike many other songs, a composer from elsewhere did not write it. Still, it was based on traditional pokomo tunes and was the work of locals led by a government committee established after British independence in 1963. 

The opening line means, “O God who is our strength, bring us your blessing.” Expect to hear this phrase frequently at the Olympic Stadium, often (but not exclusively) after long-distance athletics events.


Ethiopia: Whedefit Gesgeshi Woude Henate Ethiopia


Ethiopia’s upbeat national anthem—also frequently played at Olympic track and field events—is stylistically distinct from neighbouring Kenya. It’s also one of the most exhilarating. 

Solomon Lolo Metiko created it, and the country adopted it after the fall of the Marxist government in 1992. Its title translates as “Onward, Dear Mother Ethiopia.”


Jamaica: Jamaica, land we love


It is another national anthem that has become familiar to Olympic fans recently. However, the raw power and incredible speed displayed on the track by Usain Bolt and Shelley-Anne Fraser-Pryce was a far cry from this laid-back tone. 

Like many national anthems, it dates back to Britain’s independence in 1962. Separate competitions were held to find lyrics and melodies. The first title was won by Hugh Sherlock, and the second by Robert Lightbourne.


Japan: Kimigayo

The host country of the 2020/1 Olympics also has one of the most compelling national anthems. Its lyrics are the oldest (dating back to the tenth century) and the shortest. This melody was composed by Lin Guangsheng in the early 20th century.

It is a mixture of Western classical style and traditional Japanese court music. Moreover, it is a bit confusing for Westerners, and the ending is not the tone we are used to, but a super tone.


Liechtenstein:  Oben am jungen Rhein


You don’t have to listen closely to Liechtenstein’s national anthem, “Oben am jungen Rhein,” to notice how similar it is to the British national anthem, “God Save Our Merciful Queen.” It is because the two songs are the same, but the way they are sung is different. 

It is because, from the earliest days of the national anthem, many countries began simply borrowing the British national anthem (in this case, “Blighty”) and adapting it to their purposes.  Other countries eventually wrote their books one by one, but Liechtenstein chose to stick with the familiar and still does to this day.


South Africa: South African National Anthem


How are your language skills? Most countries have only one national anthem in one language. Quite a few diplomatically have a national anthem that can be sung in two or more different translations, depending on where the country is (and who’s singing it). 

Then there is South Africa, with five different languages spoken in one hymn, starting in Xhosa and progressing to Zulu, Sesotho, Afrikaans and English in the next three stanzas.  The current national anthem was adopted in its current form by President Nelson Mandela in 1997.

It originated from a combination of the Xhosa national anthem, Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika, and the former Afrikaans national anthem, Die Stem van Suid-Afrika.


Spain: : Marcha Granadera

Of course, one way to avoid the diplomatic problems associated with the choice of language for the national anthem is not to use any words. It is the characteristic of the Spanish national anthem, “Granada March.” 

The national anthem itself dates back to the 18th century. During this time, there were several attempts to add text to it, but since the population included not only Spaniards but also Basques, Catalans, Galicians and others, The national anthem was chosen. Language, not to mention national sentiment.  Getting everyone to accept it has proven to be almost impossible. Likewise, Bosnia chose to remain silent while playing its national anthem.


Uruguay: Oriental, la Patria o la tumba


Consider sitting down and getting comfortable before listening to the national anthem of Uruguay, Uruguay, La Patria or La Tomba. Pour yourself a glass of wine and let the cat out. 

The national anthem, composed by Francisco José de Valle in 1845 and inspired by the opera’s Bel Canto and The Hate of the Spaniards, is the longest national anthem in the world.  By the time you finish listening to the orchestral overture and Debali’s 105 Bellini-style twists and turns, more than five minutes have passed. There are about nine. May God protect our generous Queen throughout.


Russia: Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskov Federatsii

In 1944, Stalin initially chose Alexander Alexandrov’s rousing tune as the music for the Soviet national anthem, but when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, Russia switched to Glinka’s anthem. 

It was not a popular decision, especially since the national anthem has no lyrics. Vladimir Putin, who knew he was a bathtub beater upon hearing it, reinstated the Soviet anthem shortly after taking power. However, the old Soviet words were replaced.


Wales: Hen wlad fy nhadau

The Land of Our Fathers is as poignant as they come: even a hard-hearted Brit must feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up when he hears “Gwlad!” During the Six Nations rugby championship, the packed Principality Stadium rang out with chants of “Gwlad!”

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Saba Ghani

Since 2017, Saba Ghani has been serving as the talented and dedicated chief content writer for Pakistan Tour and Travel & EMHI Solutions. With her exceptional writing skills and in-depth knowledge of the travel industry, she has been instrumental in crafting engaging and informative content that captivates the audience. You can catch her at or Twitter

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Saba Ghani

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