How To Get An E-Visa In Pakistan?


How To Get An E-Visa In Pakistan – Complete Visa Guide!


The Pakistani government has implemented and launched an online visa issuance system called the “Pakistan Online Visa”.

The system allows foreign citizens to access visas online with several categories of access (business, travel, study, work, etc.).

The guide covers the following steps;

Enter Pakistan Visa Website

You can visit the Pakistan Visa website at the following address:

You will be taken to the main page of the Pakistan Visa Website

This site contains information on how to access Pakistan, as well as many information resources shown in the following sections;

Visa category

You can browse the “Visa Category” tab to find out which visa is best for you. When you select a specific visa, the visa instructions are displayed. You will also see the following details of the corresponding visa;

Qualification criteria

  1. Term and validity of the visa
  2. Visa requirements
  3. Processing time

How to register

You can register for the Pakistan visa system online by clicking “Apply Now”.

  • Click “Create New Account”
  • Provide the required information
  • When done, click “Save and Continue”
  • Note: Provide your name on your passport
  • After successful registration, the following message will appear on the screen.
  • A confirmation email with your PIN will be sent to your registered email address. Click the “Continue Registration” link to continue.
  • Enter the PIN on the next screen and click “Verify”.

Success! You are now registered online for the Pakistan Visa System.

How to register

After successful authentication, you will be directed to the login page

How To Log In To Pakistan Visa System Online

After successful authentication, you will be directed to the login page:

Please follow the steps below;

  1. Enter your email address
  2. Enter your password
  3. Enter the verification code
  4. Click the login button

Note: If you forgot your password, click the “I forgot my passwordlink and follow the steps below.

  1. Enter your registered email address, enter the verification code, and click “Reset Password
  2. An email will be sent to your registered email address with the link “Reset Password

How To Log In To Pakistan Visa System Online

  • Click on the link and you will be taken to the next page
  1. Enter the new password and re-enter the new password. Enter the verification code and click Reset.
  2. Now, click the “Back to Login” button and log in with your new password.
  3. Read and accept the “Terms and Conditions” by checking the box.
  • Click the “Accept and Continue” button

Success! You are now logged in to the Pakistan Visa System

Visa application

By default, upon successful login, a new visa application will be initiated.

Launch your application

The first part of the application is “Application Information“. This section records information about visa types, passport information, etc.

launch your application

  • Fill in the given form
  • Click Next to proceed to the next step.
  • Note: When you move to the next page, a tracking ID will be created for the visa application and the required fee will be charged. It will appear in the upper left corner of the screen below the application summary table.
  • The next part of the application will record your personal information.
  • Then provide your contact information
  • The next section contains your family information
  • Related Member Information: If you have family members travelling with you on this trip, please check the box “Do you have accompanying members during your trip to Pakistan?” The following information is recorded. If the box is not checked, the information will not be displayed.
  • Note: Repeat steps 61 to 67 to add other family members with you
  • Next, submit your current personal employment status
  • For students, please fill out the appropriate form.
  • Then provide your bank account information (if you don’t have a bank account in Pakistan, don’t select it). If selected, please provide the following information.
  • Next, submit your current personal employment status
  • For students, please fill out the appropriate form.
  • Then provide your bank account information (if you don’t have a bank account in Pakistan, don’t select it). If selected, please provide the following information.
  • By default, the Travel History page is shown above. If you answered “Yes” to any question, the corresponding fields will be completed, as shown on the following page.
  • If you answered yes to your travel records, please also fill out the form below to obtain a complete travel record.
  • If you have obtained a Pakistan visa, you must provide complete access details for the specific purpose. Alternatively, if you have obtained a Pakistan visa, please also fill out the form.
  • Most importantly, if you answer “yes” to information about convictions and other penalties, provide honest and complete information.
  • Then click “Save and Continue” to continue

Provide Complete Information On Your Stay In Pakistan

  • Provide your accommodation details
  • Submit your sponsor information. If you choose Yes in this section, you must answer the following questions:
  • Provide information to your friends/family. If you choose Yes in this section, you must answer the following questions:
  • Submit your trip while in Pakistan. If you choose Yes in this section, you must answer the following questions.


Document / Photography

  • Read the document download guide provided in the section.
  • Depending on the type of visa, a list of required documents will be displayed below the mandatory certification documents.
  • Once you have an electronic copy of the required documents that meet the specified requirements, please fill out the appropriate form.
  • Until all supporting files are loaded. Click “Save and Continue” to continue
  • View the information you submitted
  • The complete visa application is displayed. Please double-check the information provided as it will be used to process your visa application.
  • Click on the statement to confirm that you have provided the correct information in this visa application form
  • Click “Save and Continue: Continue

Qualification criteria

Payment Process

  • The next page will be “Pay with Credit Card” and the next screen will appear. Check “I have read and agree to the payment terms and conditions. Click” Accept and continue “to continue
  • Provide credit card billing information by filling out a form.
  • After successful payment, the next screen will be displayed
  • It is important to note that if you want to print a receipt for this payment, click “Print Receipt”, otherwise, click “Close Payment” and you will be taken to the “Application Submission Screen”.

Payment Process

Application Submission form

  • After successful payment, you will proceed to the next page to confirm receipt of credit card payment
  • Click Submit My Request to send the visa application to the visa officer.
  • Note: Please note that it is important to place an order after payment is completed. If you do not submit your application, the visa process will not begin.
  • After the request is successfully submitted, a message is displayed
  • A confirmation email will also be sent to the registered email address.

Application Submission form

Here you go! Pakistan Visa Application Has Been Correctly Submitted.


Saba Ghani
Saba Ghani

Since 2017, Saba Ghani has been serving as the talented and dedicated chief content writer for Pakistan Tour and Travel & EMHI Solutions. With her exceptional writing skills and in-depth knowledge of the travel industry, she has been instrumental in crafting engaging and informative content that captivates the audience. You can catch her at [email protected] or Twitter

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