Lahoot Lamakan: A Journey of Faith and Mystery

complete guide of shah noorani lahoot lamakan; hidden caves, mysterious stories, imaginary world

Lahoot Lamakan: Hidden Cave, Mysterious Stories,

Have you ever heard of Lahoot Lamakan? If you are a Shia Muslim, you are probably familiar with this sacred and mysterious place, wherein heaps of pilgrims flock every year to pay homage to Moula Ali, the first Shia Imam, and Shah Bilawal Noorani, a Sufi saint. But in case you aren’t, you might be curious to know what makes this region so unique and the related rituals and legends. In this blog post, we will answer these questions and come up with a glimpse of the complete travel guide and spiritual significance of Lahoot Lamakan.

Overview of Lahoot Lamakan 

Lahoot Lamakan is a hidden cave in Khuzdar Balochistan, Pakistan, close to the metropolis of Shah Noorani. Lahoot Lamakan is “the place beyond the world” or “where there’s no place.” According to a few sources, initially, the cave was a Hindu temple committed to Lord Shiva. Still, it became a Sufi shrine after Shah Bilawal Noorani arrived in the 15th century.

Shah Noorani became a descendant of Ali and a disciple of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, a well-known Sufi saint whose shrine is in Sehwan, Sindh. He was stricken by divine frenzy and left his homeland of Thatta to wander in the desolate land. He reached Lahoot Lamakan and settled there, preaching Islam and appearing miracles. He died in the cave, and his tomb continues to be there.

Religious Significance of Lahoot Lamakan

The cave is likewise believed to be related to Ali, whom Shia Muslims revere as the successor of Muhammad and the leader of the trustworthy. Some numerous myths and stories linked Ali to Lahoot Lamakan. One of them says that Ali got here to this area to combat a giant named Gokul Deo, who changed into terrorizing the people of Balochistan.

Moula Ali defeated him, leaving his footprint on a rock close to the cave. Another tale says that Ali visited the cave with his family throughout his exile from Mecca and Medina. He left his camel out of doors the cave and entered it along with his wife Fatima and his sons Hasan and Hussain. He found a spring of water and a tree of dates inside the cave. He prayed there and blessed the area. His camel became a stone, and his footprint was imprinted on any other rock inside the cave. 

These stories have made Lahoot Lamakan a holy place for Shia Muslims, who remember it is a place of blessing and recovery. Every 12 months, especially throughout the month of Muharram, the primary month of the Islamic calendar and a time of mourning for Shia Muslims, they undertake a pilgrimage from Sehwan to Lahoot Lamakan, protecting a distance of approximately two hundred kilometers.

The pilgrimage takes about three to 8 days, depending on the mode of transportation and the number of stops. The pilgrims visit various shrines and sacred locations along the way, which include Lalbagh in Sehwan, Panjtan Da Chashma (a spring), Chung Mountain (a hill), Har Mori (a valley), Mai Ji Kandri (a well), Dargah Syed Bahlool Shah Dewano (a shrine), Shinh Lak (a lake), and Khooi (a mosque).

What is the best time to visit Lahoot Lamakan?

Lahoot Lamakan is a sacred cave in Balochistan, Pakistan, wherein many Shia Muslim pilgrims visit every 12 months to pay homage to Ali, the primary Shia Imam, and Shah Bilawal Noorani, a Sufi saint. The best time to visit Lahoot Lamakan depends on your preference and convenience. 

The best time for Lahoot Lamakan is between October and April when there is less rainfall, and the hills are not slippery. 

Long Journey

Many pilgrims take a two-week journey from the shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Sehwan to Lahoot Lamakan, prevented by small shrines along the manner. This pilgrimage typically occurs during the month of Muharram, the primary month of the Islamic calendar, and varies according to the lunar cycle. 

Muharram is likewise a time of mourning for Shia Muslims, who mark the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Muhammad, in the Battle of Karbala. Therefore, if you need to see the religious zeal and devotion of the pilgrims, you should visit Lahoot Lamakan at some point in Muharram. 

How To Reach Lahoot Lamakan?

To reach Lahoot Lamakan, you must go to Khuzdar, a Balochistan district 200 kilometers away from Karachi. Lahoot Lamakan is only sometimes easily available by way of the road, as it’s miles located in a far-off and mountainous place. You will want a 4×4 car or a motorbike to reach the cave, or you can hire a local guide to take you there walking to the main cave. The road situation could be better and unpaved for a maximum of the manner, and you may encounter landslides, floods, or bandits alongside the route. 

There are two routes to the Lahoot Lamakan; one is from the Tomb of Shah Noorani Masjid, and the other is difficult but short.  The short route can be accessible through the Lahoot Lamakan road. Take the left side, and you will reach the cave in an hour by passing through rugged hills.

Religious Activities In Lahoot Lamakan 

The last destination is Lahoot Lamakan, where pilgrims perform diverse rituals to seek forgiveness, purification, and blessings from Allah, Ali, and Shah Noorani. Some of those rituals are:

Dipping in ponds: 

Numerous ponds near the cave can be stated to have restoration houses. The pilgrims dip themselves in those ponds or wash their faces with water to cleanse themselves from sins and sicknesses.

Climb cliffs: 

There are hills near the cave that are said to represent heaven and hell. The pilgrims climb these hills upright or crouched to symbolize their readiness for the afterlife.

Walking through channels: 

Thin channels inside the cliffs close to the cave are said to be passages to paradise or hell. The pilgrims walk via those channels either with no trouble or with issues to check their religion and fate.

See the footprints: 

There are two footprints near the cave, which might be stated to belong to Ali and his horse. The pilgrims go to those footprints and touch them with reverence and devotion.

Enter the cave: 

The most important ritual is getting into the cave where Shah Noorani’s tomb is. The pilgrims input the cave in groups or, in my view, rely on their preference and availability. They pray on the tomb, ask for their desires, kiss the stone camel, drink from the spring water, consume from the date tree, and revel in spiritual ecstasy.

Final Words 

The pilgrims who complete this journey are called Lahootis, meaning those who’ve reached Lahoot Lamakan. They believe they have gained better spirituality and closeness to Allah, Ali, and Shah Noorani. They also trust that they’ve been forgiven for their sins and granted their needs. They go back to their homes with an experience of peace and pleasure.

Lahoot Lamakan is a place of religion and thriller, wherein the natural and the supernatural meet. It is a place where the past and the existing coexist, wherein the legends and the realities intertwine. It is an area wherein the devotees and the curious can discover and experience the wonders of Sufism and Shia Islam. It is a place that deserves to be visited and liked by absolutely everyone interested in Pakistan’s religious and cultural range.

Saba Ghani
Saba Ghani

Since 2017, Saba Ghani has been serving as the talented and dedicated chief content writer for Pakistan Tour and Travel & EMHI Solutions. With her exceptional writing skills and in-depth knowledge of the travel industry, she has been instrumental in crafting engaging and informative content that captivates the audience. You can catch her at [email protected] or Twitter

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