The Impact Of Digital Technology On Tourism

The Impact Of Digital Technology On Tourism

The Impact Of Digital Technology On Tourism

As the digital age rises to a new level, digital strategies can be applied to almost any industry. The company realizes that to stay competitive. It needs to find meaningful, beneficial business, technological innovations for its customers. This is no different in the travel industry. In order to meet new challenges, they can bring considerable revenue growth.

What has changed in these past years?

Nowadays, people are looking for destinations, travels and places to live. They do this online, so requests for human help have been captured by digital technology. Carrying a mobile phone and searching for the desired destination on multiple platforms is much easier and faster than visiting multiple travel agencies. For ordinary people and tourism suppliers, this is a huge change. If any company in the tourism or entertainment industry cannot keep up with the trend, it will be very harmful. The travel platform should provide detailed information and multiple options in one package; otherwise, visitors will leave the site, hoping to find another better site.

The Impact Of Digital Technology On Tourism

Therefore, all local travel centres or travel agencies should have an excellent mobile-friendly website or even an app. But technological innovation does not stop at the moment customers buy air tickets. From the moment of landing, visitors may face many challenges, and the visitor centre must be aware of this.


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Digital Technology Trends in Near Future 

From finding hotels, recent ATMs and restaurant reviews, visitors may encounter many problems. And your website or application should provide answers to all questions. This is the biggest challenge facing service providers. It is difficult to provide useful and interesting information and other services. However, some game-changing techniques can be implemented to give customers a better experience.

The Impact Of Digital Technology On Tourism

Here are seven technology trends that travel companies should consider in the near future:

Augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR):

These digital technologies can improve content marketing and visitor experience. Airlines or hotels can use these to provide services convincingly. In addition, with the help of AR, they can directly provide instructions with the phone’s camera. Of course, this digital technology is largely unavailable. But it is very unique and can provide a lot of free publicity for brands or cities.

Artificial Intelligence (AI):

This provides the basis for many innovations that are increasingly used in the tourism industry. This includes the world of machine learning, chatbots and robotics. Artificial intelligence can be used to automate tasks previously performed by humans and accelerate specific learning processes. At the same time, it can improve quality and performance while reducing costs.

The Impact Of Digital Technology On Tourism

Internet of Things (IoT):

This means a variety of clearly identifiable electronic devices that can identify some basic information and transmit it to another device on the existing network on the Internet. Lufthansa is a good example, which allows passengers to use the link on their mobile boarding pass to track lost packages in the app.

The Impact Of Digital Technology On Tourism


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As you can see, when searching for information, more and more human activities are adopting automation and robotics. The relationship with customers is no longer established by people but through robotic software or artificial intelligence systems. This is not all. In fact, there are hotels in the famous Silicon Valley where employees are replaced by robots. This means that basic items such as towels or water will no longer be brought to us by humans, but by small robots.

The Impact Of Digital Technology On Tourism

Voice technology:

More and more customers are using voice-based interaction instead of typing. Many hotels are experimenting with audio equipment, such as W Austin-Marriott International Hotel, Kimpton Alexis Hotel and Westin Buffalo. But here can mention the famous virtual assistant. Now, you just need to ask Alexa or Siri for help to find and order the best local products. How does this help you? If you are any type of service provider in a tourist city, make sure you can read your website in English so that these virtual assistants can browse it perfectly.

The Impact Of Digital Technology On Tourism


People want to stay in touch while travelling to get useful travel advice or share their experiences with friends. Therefore, for travel service providers, it is worth investing in wireless networks to increase guest experience.

The Impact Of Digital Technology On Tourism

Mobile devices:

They did not start to market soon, but today more and more companies are using them. For example, at Walt Disney Parks, visitors receive a “magic bracelet” that is always connected to the park’s network, reducing waiting time, and they always know where to go and what activities they are doing.

The Impact Of Digital Technology On Tourism

 In conclusion

As a Pakistan travel agency or Tours service provider, it may face various challenges. But these technological trends mentioned above can open up new possibilities for your business.

Therefore, always look for new opportunities to improve the number and quality of service robots and ensure that your customers receive the best service, they can return it to you, or even recommend it to others.

Saba Ghani
Saba Ghani

Since 2017, Saba Ghani has been serving as the talented and dedicated chief content writer for Pakistan Tour and Travel & EMHI Solutions. With her exceptional writing skills and in-depth knowledge of the travel industry, she has been instrumental in crafting engaging and informative content that captivates the audience. You can catch her at [email protected] or Twitter

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