An Overview Of The Ancient Urban Village of Chakwal

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Ancient Urban Village of Chakwal

Chakwal is arranged in Dhani district of Potohar in northern Punjab. Chakwal and encompassing territories are home to old Soan progress and it has a rich history. Chakwal locale’s area capital is the city of Chakwal. Chakwal region has four Tehsils; Kalar Kahar, Chohan Saiden Shah, Chakwal and Talagang. For some early years, this locale was under the rule of Dogra Rajputs and Khokhar Rajputs. In Mughal ruler Babar’s time seven clans called Awans, Waince, Mair Minhas, Khokhar Rajputs, Bhatti Rajputs, Mughal Kassar and Kahut Quraish were settled in this locale.

This area has a one of a kind culture. As per Chen, Leung, and Chen (2009), culture is characterized as a lot of shared qualities, convictions and standards that portray a country’s special personality. Social items/components establish of qualities, images, language, customs, legends, stories and convictions which together structure the identity of a locale.

This region is semi-parched with lack of water. There are some normal and man-made lakes. Individuals take part in horticultural exercises. Mustard, Wheat, Grains, Sesame, Peanuts and Tara Mira are broadly developed around there. Loquat is developed in huge homesteads of Choa Saiden Shah and Kallar Kahar. Salt mines and coal mine shafts are likewise present which are generally possessed by individuals in this area and neighbourhood labourers are utilized. This sort of geological condition significantly influences how individuals think and carry on. Individuals in this area are solid warriors and stub conceived. They are courageous. Numerous representatives of armed force have begun from this region. Instruction is additionally very normal. Individuals place a ton of significance in training.

Numerous military-related schools (Fauji Foundation, PAF and so forth.), government schools and non-public schools are arranged here. Ladies like to work in schools and different callings are not preferred for ladies. In the Mid 80’s numerous uneducated yet talented work likewise went to Gulf locale so these ostracizes send cash to their families living in this district. Punjabi in a particular Potohari emphasize is broadly spoken and it is vernacular is very not quite the same as different styles of Punjabi that are spoken inside the Potohari area.

Individuals, for the most part, wear Shalwar Kameez. Some additionally wear dhoti or Turbans yet that isn’t normal (Chakwal News). Men from wealthy families regularly wear a ‘Koti’/coat over shalwar kameez. Ladies may wear a ‘Burqa’ a huge dark over a streaming piece of clothing over their garments to cover themselves. Shoes and ‘Chapels’/flip failures are worn generally. Numerous non-Muslim minorities particularly Hindus have lived around there and a large number of them moved to India after the segment.

Similarly, as the whole nation has been impacted by the Hindu culture, this locale is no special case. Truth be told this territory has been a significant spot for Hindus, which will be talked about later; thusly Hindu impact is a lot more noteworthy here. Huge settlements are given to young ladies on weddings and service of Mehndi is sorted out. Convention of ‘Gharoli dharna’ is likewise regular in weddings in which sister in law or close female relatives of kid’s family go to another relative’s home to fill a mud compartment with water for favours.


This spot has religious importance for the two Hindus and Muslims. Sanctum of Chehl-Abdal is arranged on a sloping top 3500 feet above ocean level. Numerous other significant places of worship, for example, Hazrat Baba Farid Ganj Bakhsh, Hazrat Sultan Baho and Hazrat Aho Baho are additionally here. The acclaimed sanctuary of ‘Kitas’ is arranged around there. It has a great deal of noteworthiness for Hindus who come here for love as Kitas’ name is referenced in Hindu sacred book ‘Maha Bharat’ (written in 300 B.C). The sanctuary flaunts a hundred stairs till the top where dull rooms are spots of contemplation. A legend has it that some underground piece of sanctuary prompts Chakwal.

Additionally, well-known researcher Al Bairuni learnt Sanskrit at this spot in a semantic college which was arranged here around then. It was amid his stay at this spot Al Bairuni found sweep of earth and composed his well-known book ‘Kitab-ul-Hind’. Yearly reasonable or ‘Mela’ used to be sorted out around there were numerous individuals came to engage others or be engaged. Kallar Kahar is a significant vacation spot of this district. It has a lake and travellers come here for sailing.

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Impact of families and positions is as yet extraordinary. Chaudhary’s, Awans and Rajputs remain the conspicuous groups of this locale as of recently. In certain towns, for example, Dalwal, Rajput is viewed as the most renowned give where a role as in others, for example, Bhanu, Awans are viewed as generally honourable. The position remains a significant piece of this district. Individuals gladly partner their ranks with their names, for instance, Raja, Bhatti, Chaudary and so forth. Individuals are regularly connected with an uncommon station dependent on their calling for instance ‘Mussali’ (Sweepers, work in mines/homes), ‘Polli’ (metal forger, retailers and so forth), ‘Lakhay’ (extricate oil), ‘Kohlu’ (Dig land for rural purposes). A considerable lot of these individuals have now embraced various callings however individuals still call them with these names and frequently as methods for the affront. Entomb station marriage isn’t empowered and individuals incline toward wedding in their very own standing. Station framework is so profoundly established that in certain towns there are discrete mosques for isolated ranks.

A few indulgences of this region are renowned. Individuals like Pahalwan Rewri (a white, round sweet) and rose water of this area. The individuals who live in urban areas bring mustard oil and wheat from their towns in this locale.

Life Of Chakwal

Life in the towns of Chakwal area is basic. The day begins promptly in the first part of the day and individuals rest right on time during the evening. Individuals visit each other much of the time and everybody knows one another. TV and Indian motion pictures are prominent. Wells are dived in towns and as there is a lack of water, a bearer who removes water from well supplies water to homes on a jackass. Numerous homes have their wells and some recently developed homes have most recent water separating frameworks.

The old design of homes is not the same as the new present-day style homes. Towns have some more seasoned homes and some new homes. More established homes have wooden boards on the room’s divider where flatware and costly cutlery is shown. Joined washrooms are not regular in more seasoned homes. ‘Alas’ or little openings in the divider can likewise be seen which were utilized for placing lights in more established occasions. Homes additionally have ‘ovens’ (opening in the ground) for making ‘Rotis’.

Notwithstanding that, there are explicit ‘ovens’ in the town where individuals take their bread to be cooked in return for some cash. There is a great deal of distinction in the manner local people live and the way local people who have settled in urban areas and visit town often live. Individuals living in urban areas who have some family in town or the individuals who simply visit it at times have a greater city like the way of life and current homes while the individuals who are for all time living in towns have an increasingly provincial way of life. Exiles who are working in the inlet locale (the greater part of them are gifted yet uneducated) send back their cash and their families are all the more wealthy. Needy individuals dry creature squander by glueing it on the dividers and use it as a fuel for the flame. Poor ladies go way to way to request nourishment, cash and garments. They additionally tend creatures for more extravagant individuals of the town.

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Chakwal City in itself, albeit vigorously affected by the town way of life, has a greater amount of an urban situation. Kallar Kahar and Chohan Saiden Shah are additionally fairly current. Numerous associations, for example, mining division, Fauji Foundation, Pakistan Cement, Best way concrete are utilizing instructed local people and have settled a few pariahs too in their provinces in these areas. Numerous individuals who have worked in urban communities frequently return to their homes in towns after retirement.

Chakwal’s one of a kind culture and its rich history makes it a fascinating locale. Although this locale is viewed as even more a created rustic region, it has still kept its genuine character alive.

Saba Ghani
Saba Ghani

Since 2017, Saba Ghani has been serving as the talented and dedicated chief content writer for Pakistan Tour and Travel & EMHI Solutions. With her exceptional writing skills and in-depth knowledge of the travel industry, she has been instrumental in crafting engaging and informative content that captivates the audience. You can catch her at [email protected] or Twitter

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