Most Visited Countries 2019-Top Tourist Spots of World

Most Visited Countries 2019-Top Tourist Spots of World

When you’re trying to determine the country with the most traffic, it’s easier to get an annual tour monitoring. Otherwise, finding the country with the most traffic can be difficult. We will focus on these two variables, the travel price and the number of visitors per year, to decode the countries with the most traffic per year.

When you have the highest tourist rates in a given year, you will find a common theme that they have always been popular destinations. Most of them come from European countries, and most of the most visited countries are very close (if not directly) to the shores of different waters. People want to escape from everyday life and explore comfortable, hidden, beautiful places that are often adjacent to the beach and provide access to beautiful ocean views.

These are the most visited countries, as an analysis of the 2019 update…

  1. France
  2. Spain
  3. United States of America
  4. China
  5. Italy
  6. Mexico
  7. United Kingdom
  8. Turkey
  9. Germany
  10. Thailand

Today, these are the ten most visited countries in the world, calculated by the number of people visiting each country in 2017, which is currently the most accurate way to calculate travel rates.

  1. France, 86.9 million people.
  2. Spain has 81.8 million people.
  3. United States of America, 76.9 million people.
  4. China has 60.7 million people.
  5. Italy, 58.3 million people.
  6. Mexico, 39.3 million people.
  7. Seven million people in the UK.
  8. Turkey has 37.6 million people.
  9. Germany, 37.5 million people.
  10. Thailand has 35.4 million people.

Let’s take a closer look at the top 10 countries in the world. We will start in France, France ranks first in the world’s most visited countries, and among the other most visited countries, we are rated a bit low among the other advanced countries but never lose hope; Pakistan is progressing and shall reach the Top visited Countries of the World soon.


Most Visited Countries 2019-Top Tourist Spots of World

Most Visited Countries 2019-France


France has a population of 65,450,090 and a total of 211,413 square miles. France has a population density of about 310 people per square foot. Most of France’s population lives in French cities, while less than 20% of France’s population lives in the busiest metropolitan suburbs of France. About 0.85% of the world’s population lives in France, which ranks France as the second-most populous country. On average, people born in France eventually lived for 41 years.




The population of Spain is estimated at 46,435,537. Spain has a total land area of ​​192,588 square miles, and within the country’s official borders, the population density is about 214 people per square mile. Analysis of the Spanish population alone, data analysts announced that Spain ranked 33rd in the world, and the population is the only factor to consider. Despite Spain’s large population, the country’s population is only a tiny part of the world’s population. Compared with all the world’s inhabitants, people living in Spain account for only 0.6% of the world.

United Kingdom

Most Visited Countries 2019-Top Tourist Spots of World


The UK has a population of 66 million. The UK has a population of 66,909,462 and is a European group of countries, including Northern Ireland, Wales, England, and Scotland. The UK is one of the most visited countries, and it is interesting, mainly because the UK is made up of four different countries, not one. But this is why the UK attracts such a high percentage of tourism every year.

People are attracted to the UK because it is a region of many countries. When you have a variety of cultures in a region, there are many things to see, do, eat and try, so people will have a lot of fun studying the British and exploring islands with many countries. Since the UK is the largest population inhabited, the density is about 717 people per square mile. When talking about the area, the total area of ​​the UK is approximately 93,410 square miles. The sum of the United Kingdom is equivalent to 0.87% of all people on the planet. Considering that the United Kingdom is a country of four countries, this ratio is not the highest. But this is for wanting.


Most Visited Countries 2019-Top Tourist Spots of World


Since the last census in 2019, Turkey has had a population of approximately 82,831,977. Turkey is the 17th largest country in the world, accounting for 1.1% of the world’s population. The country’s total area is about 297,156 square miles. By calculating the size of Turkey’s population and dividing it by the total area of the country, it will eventually have a value of 279. This value is called the country’s population density, which means that Turkey has about 299 people per square mile.



Most Visited Countries 2019-Top Tourist Spots of World


The South Asian country of Thailand is a country of 69,290,565 people. The population density is 197,256 square miles and approximately 351 inhabitants per square mile of land. In terms of the number of inhabitants, Thailand is the 20 largest country, with Thailand accounting for only 0.9% of the world’s total population. Although there are many suburbs in Thailand, most Thais live in urban areas of the country.


Country International Tourist Arrivals  International Tourism Receipts Population 2019
France 82,700,000 $54.53 billion 65,129,728
United States 76,407,000 $206.90 billion 329,064,917
Spain 75,315,000 $60.50 billion 46,736,776
China 59,270,000 $44.43 billion 1,433,783,686
Italy 52,372,000 $40.25 billion 60,550,075
United Kingdom 35,814,000 $47.91 billion 67,530,172
Germany 35,595,000 $37.45 billion 83,517,045
Mexico 35,079,000 $19.65 billion 127,575,529
Thailand 32,588,000 $48.79 billion 69,625,582
Turkey 30,289,000 $18.74 billion 83,429,615
Austria 28,121,000 $19.26 billion 8,955,102
Malaysia 26,757,000 $18.07 billion 31,949,777
Hong Kong 26,553,000 $32.85 billion 7,436,154
Greece 24,799,000 $14.62 billion 10,473,455
Russia 24,571,000 $7.79 billion 145,872,256
Japan 24,039,000 $30.68 billion 126,860,301
Canada 19,971,000 $18.02 billion 37,411,047
Portugal 18,200,000 $771.00 million 10,226,187
Saudi Arabia 18,044,000 $11.10 billion 34,268,528
Poland 17,463,000 $10.98 billion 37,887,768
South Korea 17,242,000 $17.33 billion 51,225,308
Netherlands 15,828,000 $14.05 billion 17,097,130
Hungary 15,256,000 $5.66 billion 9,684,679
United Arab Emirates 14,870,000 $19.50 billion 9,770,529
India 14,570,000 $22.43 billion 1,366,417,754
Croatia 13,809,000 $9.63 billion 4,130,304
Ukraine 13,333,000 $1.08 billion 43,993,638
Singapore 12,914,000 $18.95 billion 5,804,337
Czech Republic 12,808,000 $6.31 billion 10,689,209
Indonesia 11,072,000 $11.21 billion 270,625,568
Denmark 10,781,000 $7.05 billion 5,771,876
Taiwan 10,690,000 $13.38 billion 23,773,876
Switzerland 10,402,000 $16.26 billion 8,591,365
Morocco 10,332,000 $6.55 billion 36,471,769
Ireland 10,100,000 $5.19 billion 4,882,495
South Africa 10,044,000 $7.91 billion 58,558,270
Vietnam 10,013,000 $8.25 billion 96,462,106
Syria 8,546,000 $6.19 billion 17,070,135
Australia 8,269,000 $37.04 billion 25,203,198
Bulgaria 8,252,000 $3.63 billion 7,000,119
Belgium 7,481,000 $11.61 billion 11,539,328
Argentina 6,638,000 $4.69 billion 44,780,677
Sweden 6,559,000 $12.75 billion 10,036,379
Brazil 6,547,000 $6.02 billion 211,049,527
Philippines 5,967,000 $5.14 billion 108,116,615
Norway 5,960,000 $5.20 billion 5,378,857
Dominican Republic 5,959,000 $6.72 billion 10,738,958
Tunisia 5,724,000 $1.24 billion 11,694,719
Chile 5,641,000 $2.67 billion 18,952,038
Slovakia 5,415,000 $2.75 billion 5,457,013
Egypt 5,258,000 $2.65 billion 100,388,073
Cambodia 5,012,000 $3.21 billion 16,486,542
Iran 4,942,000 $3.71 billion 82,913,906
Bahrain 4,372,000 $3.64 billion 1,641,172
Albania 4,070,000 $1.69 billion 2,880,917
Cuba 3,975,000 $2.91 billion 11,333,483
Sierra Leone 3,954,000 .. 7,813,215
Peru 3,744,000 $3.50 billion 32,510,453
Puerto Rico 3,736,000 $3.98 billion 2,933,408
Jordan 3,567,000 $4.04 billion 10,101,694
New Zealand 3,370,000 $9.47 billion 4,783,063
Colombia 3,317,000 $4.52 billion 50,339,443
Laos 3,315,000 $712.00 million 7,169,455
Cyprus 3,187,000 $2.75 billion 1,198,575
Estonia 3,131,000 $1.49 billion 1,325,648
Uruguay 3,037,000 $2.07 billion 3,461,734
Slovenia 3,032,000 $2.42 billion 2,078,654
Kazakhstan 2,991,000 $1.55 billion 18,551,427
Qatar 2,938,000 $5.41 billion 2,832,067
Kyrgyzstan 2,930,000 $432.00 million 6,415,850
Costa Rica 2,925,000 $3.72 billion 5,047,561
Myanmar 2,907,000 $2.26 billion 54,045,420
Israel 2,900,000 $5.88 billion 8,519,377
Andorra 2,831,000 .. 77,142
Finland 2,789,000 $2.73 billion 5,532,156
Georgia 2,721,000 $2.17 billion 3,996,765
Romania 2,481,000 $1.74 billion 19,364,557
Lithuania 2,296,000 $1.21 billion 2,759,627
Oman 2,292,000 $1.73 billion 4,974,986
Jamaica 2,182,000 $2.54 billion 2,948,279
Zimbabwe 2,168,000 $890.00 million 14,645,468
Sri Lanka 2,051,000 $3.52 billion 21,323,733
Azerbaijan 2,045,000 $2.71 billion 10,047,718
Algeria 2,039,000 $209.00 million 43,053,054
Belarus 2,000,000 $790.00 million 9,452,411
Botswana 1,973,000 $578.00 million 2,303,697
Malta 1,966,000 $1.45 billion 440,372
Panama 1,921,000 $4.40 billion 4,246,439
Nigeria 1,889,000 $1.07 billion 200,963,599
Ivory Coast 1,800,000 $379.00 million 25,716,544
Latvia 1,793,000 $867.00 million 1,906,743
Iceland 1,792,000 $2.40 billion 339,031
Lebanon 1,688,000 $7.04 billion 6,855,713
Montenegro 1,662,000 $925.00 million 627,987
Mozambique 1,639,000 $108.00 million 30,366,036
Guatemala 1,585,000 $1.55 billion 17,581,472
Iraq 1,518,000 $2.42 billion 39,309,783
Nicaragua 1,504,000 $642.00 million 6,545,502
Bahamas 1,482,000 $2.59 billion 389,482
Namibia 1,469,000 $307.00 million 2,494,530
El Salvador 1,434,000 $829.00 million 6,453,553
Ecuador 1,418,000 $1.44 billion 17,373,662
Uganda 1,323,000 $1.06 billion 44,269,594
Paraguay 1,308,000 $519.00 million 7,044,636
Maldives 1,286,000 $2.51 billion 530,953
Serbia 1,281,000 $1.15 billion 8,772,235
Mauritius 1,275,000 $1.57 billion 1,269,668
Kenya 1,268,000 $824.00 million 52,573,973
Armenia 1,260,000 $968.00 million 2,957,731
Guinea 1,260,000 .. 12,771,246
Tanzania 1,233,000 $2.13 billion 58,005,463
Aruba 1,102,000 $1.63 billion 106,314
Luxembourg 1,054,000 $4.08 billion 615,729
Yemen 1,025,000 $1.16 billion 29,161,922
Uzbekistan 975,000 $121.00 million 32,981,716
Bolivia 959,000 $713.00 million 11,513,100
Zambia 956,000 $683.00 million 17,861,030
Rwanda 932,000 $390.00 million 12,626,950
Ghana 931,000 $846.00 million 30,417,856
Honduras 908,000 $693.00 million 9,746,117
Pakistan 907,000 $322.00 million 216,565,318
Senegal 900,000 $453.00 million 16,296,364
Dominica 879,000 .. 71,808
Ethiopia 871,000 $346.00 million 112,078,730
Malawi 849,000 $631.00 million 18,628,747
Sudan 800,000 $1.03 billion 42,813,238
Fiji 792,000 $777.00 million 889,953
Bosnia And Herzegovina 777,000 $724.00 million 3,301,000
Nepal 753,000 $446.00 million 28,608,710
Liechtenstein 697,000 .. 38,019
United States Virgin Islands 667,000 $1.34 billion 104,578
Barbados 632,000 $1.04 billion 287,025
Venezuela 601,000 $473.00 million 28,515,829
Cape Verde 598,000 $370.00 million 549,935
Guadeloupe 580,000 .. 400,056
Cameroon 569,000 $505.00 million 25,876,380
Martinique 519,000 $365.00 million 375,554
Reunion 458,000 $360.00 million 888,927
Lesotho 414,000 $823.00 million 2,125,268
Trinidad And Tobago 409,000 $464.00 million 1,394,973
British Virgin Islands 408,000 $389.00 million 30,030
Mongolia 404,000 $316.00 million 3,225,167
Palestine 400,000 $235.00 million 4,981,420
Angola 397,000 $623.00 million 31,825,295
Cayman Islands 385,000 $686.00 million 64,948
Dr Congo 351,000 $4.00 million 86,790,567
Saint Lucia 348,000 $404.00 million 182,790
Togo 338,000 .. 8,082,366
Monaco 336,000 .. 38,964
Seychelles 303,000 $414.00 million 97,739
Bangladesh 303,000 $133.00 million 163,046,161
Madagascar 293,000 $750.00 million 26,969,307
Benin 267,000 $123.00 million 11,801,151
Suriname 257,000 $546.00 million 581,372
Haiti 255,000 $504.00 million 11,263,077
Bermuda 244,000 $513.00 million 62,506
Guyana 235,000 .. 782,766
Brunei 219,000 $144.00 million 433,285
Republic Of The Congo 211,000 $27.00 million 5,380,508
Bhutan 210,000 $91.00 million 763,092
Kuwait 203,000 $599.00 million 4,207,083
French Polynesia 192,000 $488.00 million 279,287
French Guiana 189,000 .. 290,832
Burundi 187,000 $22.00 million 11,530,580
Mali 173,000 $200.00 million 19,658,031
Gambia 161,000 $116.00 million 2,347,706
Tajikistan 160,000 $248.00 million 9,321,018
Burkina Faso 152,000 $72.12 billion 20,321,378
Niger 152,000 $77.00 million 23,310,715
Eritrea 142,000 $48.00 million 3,497,117
Grenada 135,000 $149.00 million 112,003
Moldova 121,000 $243.00 million 4,043,263
Chad 71,000 .. 15,946,876
San Marino 60,000 .. 33,860
Central African Republic 54,000 $11.00 million 4,745,185
Djibouti 51,000 $1.83 billion 973,560
Guinea Bissau 22,000 $1.32 billion 1,920,922
Turkmenistan .. .. 5,942,089
Libya .. $60.00 million 6,777,452
Gabon .. .. 2,172,579
Equatorial Guinea .. .. 1,355,986
Saba Ghani
Saba Ghani

Since 2017, Saba Ghani has been serving as the talented and dedicated chief content writer for Pakistan Tour and Travel & EMHI Solutions. With her exceptional writing skills and in-depth knowledge of the travel industry, she has been instrumental in crafting engaging and informative content that captivates the audience. You can catch her at [email protected] or Twitter

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